The award aims to encourage the production of new songs that simulate the Palestinian cause or global humanitarian issues, in order to influence Arab and international public opinion and invite it to pay attention to the just cause in Palestine and issues of political and social justice around the world. The award is presented annually to composers or singers who apply to produce new original works, in order to produce them in the form of video clips and promote them locally and internationally. The song submitted to win the award may be a song in Arabic submitted by an Arab author or singer, or any International artist singing in a foreign language whose song aims to shed light on the Palestinian cause or another fair humanitarian cause may apply for the award. In some cases, more than one award can be presented per year, and this depends on the budgets that the artists nominated for the award submit to produce their works. Prize winners must complete their production within a period not exceeding six months.
The maximum prize value is twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) that can be presented to one or more winners. The award covers production expenses, including audio and video recording, and wages for writers, authors, directors, and musicians. A portion of the award value is allocated to promoting production on official platforms and social media platforms.